Saturday, December 28, 2013

An Introduction to Money and Lifestyle...

Let's talk money and lifestyle.

This blog is about the lives of Kasey and me. In the spirit of our lifestyle and adventures I think it is necessary to explain to you all how to beat the system.

Yeah We said it. We know some of you are in similar situations and we applaud you for standing up against all the bullshit the typical lifestyle offers. In contrast We would like to offer you a way out. Or perhaps an idea or two to take to the fiscal home front to improve your financial freedom or in most cases lack thereof...

We travel, run, ride, climb, and eat lunch at the Costco sample carts on weekday afternoons while the majority of people are working the nine to five gig. We sometimes waste whole days walking to the movie theatre 10 miles away guilt free. We spend time with our families and in most cases travel to see them several times a year. We live our lives planning the next outing or adventure. You could do the same just insert your activities instead of ours. We are constantly having fun and without the worry of not paying our bills, without the thoughts of what we are going to do if we lose our jobs.

THIS IS NOT FOR EVERYONE! If you are interested please read on and subscribe for more details and more stories from the front line.. This works for us and we believe it because we live it.

The point is to live a great life without financial stress. This means working a job you love or maybe just like and not becoming a victim to your belongings versus being a robot at a job you hate because you need to drive a $50,000 vehicle. We like sweet cars too, but not at the risk of having to work for three extra years to own it.

How can you have everything? Well, we will start with the biggest expense and narrow the money spending down from there, one post at a time. A mortgage... We might as well right? 30 years sound about right? Five percent isn't that bad? Do yourself a favor and spend the next half hour with a mortgage calculator and write down exactly the amount of cash you're giving away and post it on your fridge. You will be disgusted and want to fix it. If not, no big deal. If your stomach turns and you realize you've got to change this then great. It is doable! WOO HOO!

Hope to catch you on the next post, where I will discuss how to live within your means...


  1. I am looking forward to reading more about this topic.
    Thanks guys!!

  2. I'll have to make better use of the Costco sample carts from now on.
